Hyunjin Hwang: Portrayed by Vorst Hachiro who was born on March 20, 2000. As a Cerberus, the 3 headed-monster which is representing the past, the present, and the future. But you must never be provoked or you will die by the blazing fire of his mouth.

Rhodeterra Gate's Custodes

Vorst Hachiro is a monster that could bring you to the past, the present, and the future. Seemingly unharmful, but his blazing fire would make you suffer in your remorseful life. He's guarding the gate together with the immortal psychopomps, Vorst Vermogen.

Seungmin Kim: Portrayed by Vorst Seungmin who was born on September 22, 2000. As an Alkanost. He owns a deathly beautiful voice. You will be captivated by him and unconsciously having your soul leaving your body.

Diomesaight's Bedriegers

"Listen and die." The name is Vorst Seungmin, a bird with the head of a woman. He often shows his singing skill to please the human and telling them that the future lives of those, who mourn for heaven, are lost and irrevocable. What makes him so dangerous is his beautiful voice because every creature will forget about the world. Their mind and soul unconsciously are leaving their bodies. He is the partner of Vorst Nevan

Jisung Han: Portrayed by Vorst Hico who was born on September 14, 2000. As a Griffin, he is the most powerful of the two realms and called "the king of the beasts and the master of the air."

Rhodeterra's Murderers

Vorst Hico is the mighty Griffin, the ruler of the sky, and the king of the wild. He has a power given by his partner. It is a tail with a thunderbolt in it and a burning fire in his iron claws. He got a partner when he should come to the battlefield, the Cyclops, Vorst Axelander.

Jeongin Yang: Portrayed by Vorst Rigel who was born on February 8, 2001. As a Charybdis, he's the troublemaker in the ocean. Don't you ever try to disturb or challenge him or you will face your loss by the whirlpool he created.

Rhodeterra's Disaster Immigrants

Vorst Rigel is a Charybdis, known as the master of the Bermuda Triangle. He could appear on three realms: the air, the land, and the sea. Once he appears, you will lose, and no trace to be found. He was teaming up with Vorst Nakula, another monster who created a disaster, a Chimera.